Statement of Work
SAN 2024-25 (July 1, 2024- June 30, 2025)
Who is the State Authorization Network, "SAN"?
Since 2011, SAN, a network of WCET, has been the leader for guidance and support for navigating regulatory compliance for out-of-state activities of post-secondary institutions.
What is a Statement of Work?
The Statement of Work is a description of SAN's focus areas and projects we plan to undertake to meet the needs of members in the upcoming academic year. The Statement of Work also reinforces the benefits for SAN members that we and WCET strive to provide.
Membership - Individual & Groups
View the current list of SAN institution and agency members.
SAN Membership fee is discounted if at least one institution or entity within the SAN individual or SAN group membership has separately joined WCET, SAN's parent organization. See option charts below.
- Coordinators are responsible for sharing information with the other institutions/organizations within their membership.
- Coordinators are responsible for sharing the SAN website login with institution contacts.
- Memberships held by more than one institution must designate a single point of contact for the invoice; management of the division of the payment will be the responsibility of the institutions involved.
SAN Annual Fee with separately held WCET Membership (WCET+SAN Benefits)
Organizations, State Agencies or Portal Entities (office only) | 1 Coordinator | $3,000 |
1 Institution | 2 Coordinators | $4,000 |
2-15 Institutions | 2 Coordinators | $6,000 |
16-30 Institutions | 3 Coordinators | $8,000 |
31+ institutions will be addressed on case-by-case basis. | Please communicate with the SAN Senior Director. |
SAN Annual Fee with No WCET Membership
Organizations | 1 Coordinator | $3,000 |
1 Institution | 2 Coordinators | $5,000 |
2-15 Institutions | 2 Coordinators | $7,000 |
16-30 Institutions | 3 Coordinators | $9,000 |
31+ institutions will be addressed on case-by-case basis. | Please communicate with the SAN Senior Director. |
*Organizations, State Agencies or Portal Entities may choose from the larger memberships if they wish to include institutions. Office-only memberships for state agencies and portal entities, no fee if the office is not also a WCET member.
Renewals for SAN 2024-2025
Renewals - For SAN 2024-2025 (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025)
- Step 1: Coordinators will consult with all member institutions/organizations to update contact information and institutions/organizations that are part of your membership.
- Step 2: If there are changes, ONE COORDINATOR will advise Leigha Fletcher, lfletcher@wiche.edu by May 15, 2024.
- Step 3: If there are no changes, the membership automatically will be renewed and the invoice sent on May 15, 2024.
- Deadline for changes: May 15, 2024, with payment due by July 1, 2024.
- Membership Coordinator may request an early invoice to submit in this fiscal year by contacting Leigha Fletcher, lfletcher@wiche.edu by April 15, 2024.
New Memberships - Please see the Join SAN information on the Membership page.
Activities and Benefits for Year 2024-25 (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025):
SAN Coordinators.
- Each SAN membership appoints one to three SAN Coordinators, depending on the number of institutions within the membership, to manage the membership. Our members may be organizations, state systems, consortiums of colleges, or individual institutions.
- SAN Coordinators must supply contact information about the institutions or entities that are part of their membership including: institution/entity name, contact person with email, FTE range, WCET membership status, and SARA participation status.
- Coordinators are expected to share SAN member information with institutions/entities within their membership.
Activities reserved solely for the SAN Coordinators:
- Monthly Calls. Compliance and membership updates and guests sharing timely information.
- SAN Coordinators' Community in wcetMIX. An email distribution tool providing announcements and information.
- Annual Coordinators' Meeting. An in-person meeting with special guests and resources. All resources developed will be posted on the SAN website for access by all SAN members.
- Website Access. Coordinators will receive a personal login to the password protected SAN website which can be shared with institution/entity contacts within their membership.
Benefits for all staff members at SAN /participating institutions/entity. Everyone employed by a SAN participant (including coordinators) may take part in the activities listed below.
- SAN Website. Includes public facing and member-only content. New and updated content regularly added.
- Open Forum. Monthly 30-minute member-only opportunity for all members to discuss the topic of the month and engage in Q&A. Additional discussion time may be provided as needed. The event is not recorded.
- eNewsletter. Monthly summary and updates of news, resources, and events.
- SAN Network Community in wcetMIX. A member discussion board and avenue for member alerts.
- Compliance Training. SAN provides compliance training in a variety of ways, including:
- Webcasts, seminars, & small constituency group events - offer advice and information for both new and experienced compliance officers and other key stakeholders at the institution.
- Collaborative meetings and webinars with partners such as NC-SARA and NASASPS.
- SAN-University (SAN-U) Member Integration Course, an 8-week online course that provides and overview of the fundamentals of out-of-state activity compliance.
- Annual workshops, including State Authorization Advanced Topics, offer in-depth compliance analysis and interactive training. SAN members may participate at a reduced cost.
- Reciprocity Support. Updates on the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA) including steps that institutions can take to manage participation in SARA and stay apprised of prospective policy changes.
- Examine State Requirements. Assists with examining state requirements outside of reciprocity policy.
- Emerging Federal Regulations. Track the state authorization regulations under the Departments of Education, Veterans Affairs and Defense, in addition to other related regulations. SAN will inform members as to how they can provide input.
- SAN Advisory Group. Panel of SAN members who make recommendations on programmatic issues of interest to the membership at-large.
- Special Interest Teams. Small working groups perform research and provide deliverables on issue areas which benefit the network.
Focus Areas. SAN will provide research and training on issues identified by members
Focus Areas. SAN will share information, provide research, and develop training on the following issues that members identified:
- Provide analysis, direction to comment, and implementation strategies to address Federal rulemaking and Federal guidance.
- Provide additional state institutional approval information per state. (Outside of reciprocity)
- Develop new tools, webinars, and programming to manage institutional approval outside of reciprocity or in a limited SARA world.
- Develop an in-person Implementation Workshop (part B related to the part A online Foundations/Member Integration Course)
- Develop an in-person Advanced Topics Workshop on compliance and change management with a focus on a timely topic for members.
- Continue interactions addressing Professional Licensure Board Research and Best Practices.
- Developing contacts with the various program accreditors and licensing boards.
- Collaboration strategies with the institution stakeholders for compliance structure.
- Facilitating the collaboration with national licensing boards to address this issue with their state members.
- Development of a topical webinar series. Multi-webinar event addressing a specific topic from the viewpoints of various stakeholders and various types of institutions.
- Offer SAN-U Member Integration Course for Year 2 (with timely updates as needed).
- Creation of new member-only resources with one- or two-page abstracts and tables on issues of importance to compliance with digital technology and out-of-state activities.
- Develop a practical guide to an emerging issue.
- Develop additional resources for international compliance support.
Questions and Contact Information
SAN website: https://wcetSAN.wiche.edu
SAN email: san-info@wiche.edu
WCET blog with updates and recommendations: https://wcet.wiche.edu/frontiers/
wcetMIX for discussion board and email lists: https://mix.wiche.edu/home/
SAN Team
Cheryl Dowd - Senior Director, State Authorizations Network & WCET Policy Innovations; cdowd@wiche.edu; (303)541-0210
Jana Walser-Smith, Director, Interstate Compliance and SAN Member Outreach; jwalsersmith@wiche.edu; (303)541-0289
Kathryn Kerensky – Director, Digital Learning Policy & Compliance; kkerensky@wiche.edu ; (303)541-0290
Leigha Fletcher - Administrative Assistant; lfletcher@wiche.edu; (303)541-0211