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Student Complaints

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Student Complaint Process

An institution should begin with a clear and "student friendly' description of the institution's complaint process and under what circumstances a student may seek additional recourse outside of the institution.

Per Federal regulation 34 CFR 668.43 (b), an institution must make available the institution's accreditation documents and provide contact information for filing complaints with the accreditor and with the appropriate State entity that is to handle student complaints.

  • for enrolled or prospective students upon request.
  • for distance education or face to face students.


Student Complaint Information by State and Agency (contacts & access to process)

  • Please note the date stamp.
  • This contact list should be used for reference only.
  • Institutions are responsible for the accuracy of the contacts they provide in their notifications.
  • We can offer no guarantee that the agency listed can enforce state laws upon the institution to act on the complaints.

SARA Portal Entity Contacts

Department of Defense - Post-secondary Education Complaint System 


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