Getting Started

SAN Basics Workshop 2021 (Virtual)

Basics Workshop to Address the Concepts of Out-of-State Activity Compliance

Dates:  June 23, 24, 25, 2021 

Registration is now open!  Please read the event description before you register!

Event Description:

Do you manage state authorization compliance at your institution? ….OR are you in another institution office such as financial aid, registrar, faculty, institutional research, or legal counsel and required to follow new processes to adapt to state and federal regulatory requirements due to the out of state activities of the institution? Do you need help navigating the basic foundation of state authorization compliance of state regulations, federal updates, reciprocity requirements, and the seemingly endless paperwork involved? If so, the WCET/SAN State Authorization Basics Compliance Workshop may be the answer!

WCET/SAN is pleased to bring together experts in the field of state authorization to educate you on the basics of out-of-state activity regulatory compliance. This three-day workshop will provide detailed, up-to-date information designed to help your institution manage the basic complexities of state authorization. Both at the workshop and for the few months following, you will be part of a team that is advised by one of our experienced mentors.  Note:  if you have an understanding of the basics of state authorization you may wish to wait for the next SAN Advanced Topics Workshop in 2022.

 Alongside leading experts with hands-on knowledge, you will gain the expertise to:

  • Create a game plan to obtain and maintain state authorization for your unique institution;
  • Interpret federal regulations, current federal activity, state statutes, state regulations, administrative code, and reciprocity requirements regarding an institution's out of state activities;
  • Develop effective strategies to communicate key information to states and to key stakeholders at your institution;
  • Obtain, manage, and organize the data essential to the achievement of state authorization for your institution.

In addition, each participant will be grouped with a mentor. The mentor will hold group discussions at the workshop to answer more in-depth and institution specific questions. After the workshop concludes, the mentor will host two conference calls with the group over a period of three months to continue the learning experience.



PLEASE TAKE NOTE!  This is truly a “work”shop that requires commitment to the 4 hour period each day and participation by each registrant. 

Workshop Hours:  12pm – 4pm Eastern Time (11am-3pmCT; 10am-2pmMT; 9am-1pmPT; 8am-12pm Alaska)

If the commitment to this time frame is difficult, you may want to consider other training opportunities.  These workshops are not recorded.

The sessions will include a combination of synchronous presentations, synchronous mentor sessions, synchronous workgroups, 2-3 asynchronous sessions, a pre-workshop exercise, and a synchronous Q & A with all presenters to conclude the workshop.

Like our in-person workshops, we do not plan to record the workshop.  Our workshops are intended to be active participation in activities and interactions with other participants.


Who Should Attend:

Professionals who manage or coordinate information for the purposes of state authorization, should attend this workshop. This workshop focuses on developing those participants who are beginners or relatively new to the role of being an authorization compliance officer or for those professionals who help implement student processes or data collection to coordinate with the compliance officer.

WCET's State Authorization Network (SAN) is based on the philosophy: "Expecting each institution to navigate authorization regulations in every state is highly inefficient. Working cooperatively, institutions can share the burden." See the SAN website for a list of WCET SAN participants.

Please note that any staff member at an institution/agency that is a WCET SAN member is eligible for the SAN Member rate for the workshop.


Pricing Information:

WCET SAN Member rate is $250 until May 31, 2021, and $350 thereafter. Non-WCET SAN Member rate is $500 until May 31, 2021 and $700 thereafter.  For SAN member rate enter the code:  ITDEPENDS  We will confirm those responding as members.  Note that the workshop will have a maximum of 50 participants.


Workshop Location Information:

We will be using the Zoom platform, google docs for same time group response sharing, as well as wcetMIX (Higher Logic) for communication, discussion board, and the library feature to store documents. We encourage you to have a working camera to join us virtually and interact with other participants.

Price includes: group mentoring, templates for organization, presentations.

After review of this event description, REGISTER HERE!


Start Date: 06.23.2021
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