Getting Started

SAN-U Implementation Workshop 2024 (in-person)

October 29-30, 2024| Boulder, CO

In-person workshop with no virtual option.

Join us in person at our offices in Boulder, Colorado.  This is the "How To" option for those who participated in the SAN U Member Integration 8 week online course

We encourage learners from the 2024 SAN-U cohorts to put what you learned from the Member Integration Online Course into practice.  Attendees will learn how to implement those foundational elements into practical strategies for your institution or to support your oversight of institutions. 

This will be a hands-on opportunity to work through practical implementation exercises around professional licensure, state institutional approvals, communication with key stakeholders, and other related compliance areas. 

Additionally, each participant will be grouped with a mentor. The mentor will hold group discussions at the workshop to answer more in-depth and institution-specific questions. After the workshop concludes, the mentor will host two conference calls with the group over three months to continue the learning experience.

Please review the entire description before submitting your registration!

Tentative Workshop Schedule: (plan for the following)
October 29 – 8:30am – 5pm
October 30 – 8:30am – 2pm

October 29 – Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner will be offered
October 30 – Breakfast and Lunch will be offered

Who Should Attend:

This workshop is intended for those who participated in 2024 in one of the three cohorts of the SAN U Member Integration 8 week online course.  Priority will be given to those cohort attendees.  If there are available seats after July 29, 2024, registration will be open to all SAN members. The workshop will be limited to 40 participants.

Pricing Information:

Cost:  $500 includes group mentoring, templates, presentations, and many meals.

Workshop Location Information:

The SAN-U Implementation Workshop will be held in the Learning Center (1st floor) at the SHEPC Building which is home office for WICHE (SAN & WCET), NCHEMS, and SHEEO (3035 Center Green Dr.) located in Boulder, Colorado.

Hotel Information:

Residence Inn Boulder – (3030 Center Green Drive; Boulder, CO) which is across the street from the workshop.
Room Rate:  $149/night.  The group room rate will be available until September 30, 2024. Subject to availability.  Please book your room for the workshop by using the reservation link below:

Book your group rate for WICHE SAN Implementation Wkshp

Contact Us:

For content information about the workshop, contact Cheryl Dowd.

For logistical information about the workshop, contact Leigha Fletcher

View more information about the State Authorization Network.


Start Date: 10.29.2024
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