Member Institutions
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Current State Authorization Network (SAN) Participants
Memberships are held by individual institutions, small groups/partnerships, or larger systems & consortia.
An asterisk (*) next to the name indicates the name of a group membership which could include multiple institutions within the group membership. (ex. State Council of Higher Education for Virginia - SCHEV*).
Individual institution/agency membership includes two asterisks (**). (ex. Ohio State University**) or very small partnership. (ex. Sinclair College**/Ohio University**/Franklin University**)
Names of agencies or institutions with no asterisk indicates the entity is part of a group membership.(Amarillo College).
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College |
Academy College |
Adams State University |
Adelphi University** |
Adler Graduate School |
AICCU SAN Consortium* |
Aims Community College** |
Alabama Commission on Higher Education* |
Alabama State University |
Alamance Community College |
Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education** |
Albany State University |
Alexandria Technical & Community College |
Allan Hancock College |
American Academy McAllister Institute of Funeral Service, Inc.** |
American College of Education |
American Jewish University |
American National University |
American Public University System |
American River College |
American Sentinel College of Nursing & Health Science at Post University** |
Ameritech College of Health Care |
Amridge University |
Angelo State University |
Anoka Technical College |
Anoka-Ramsey Community College |
Antelope Valley College |
Antioch University** |
Appalachian College of Pharmacy |
Appalachian State University |
Arapahoe Community College |
Arcadia University |
Arizona State University** |
Armstrong Atlantic State University |
Art Center College of Design |
Ascent College |
Athens State University |
Atlanta Metropolitan State College |
Atlantic University |
Auburn University** |
Augsburg University |
Augusta University |
Austin Peay State University** |
Averett University |
Avila University |
Azusa Pacific University |
Bakersfield College |
Bakersfield College- Learning Resources |
Ball State University |
Barstow Community College |
Barton College |
Bates Technical College |
Bellevue College |
Belmont Abbey College |
Bemidji State University |
Berkeley City College |
Bethany College |
Bethel College |
Bethel University |
Bethany Global University |
Bethany Lutheran College |
Big Bend Community College |
Biola University |
Bismarck State University |
Black Hills State University |
Blue Ridge Community College - NC |
Blue Ridge Community College - VA |
Bluefield State University(WV) |
Bluefield University (VA) |
Boise Bible College |
Boise State University |
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing |
Boston College** |
Boston University** |
Bottega |
Bradley University** |
Brazosport College** |
Brevard College |
Bridgewater College |
Brigham Young University - Idaho |
Brigham Young University - Utah |
Brightpoint Community College |
Broadview University |
Broward College |
Bryan College of Health Sciences** |
Bucks County Community College |
Butler County Community College |
Butler University |
Butte College |
Cabarrus College of Health Sciences |
Cabrillo College |
Cabrini University |
Cairn University |
Cal Poly Humboldt |
Calhoun Community College |
California Baptist University |
California College of the Arts |
California Indian Nations College |
California Institute for Human Science |
California Institute of Integral Studies |
California Institute of Technology |
California Maritime Academy |
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona |
California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo |
California State University, Bakersfield |
California State University, Channel Islands |
California State University, Chico |
California State University, Dominguez Hills |
California State University, East Bay |
California State University, Fresno |
California State University, Fullerton |
California State University, Long Beach |
California State University, Los Angeles |
California State University, Monterey Bay |
California State University, Northridge |
California State University, Office of the Chancellor * |
California State University, Sacramento |
California State University, San Bernardino |
California State University, San Marcos |
California State University, Stanislaus |
Campbell University |
Canada College |
Carleton University |
Carlow University |
Cascadia Community College |
Case Western University** |
Catawba College |
Catholic Distance University |
Cedar Crest College |
Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis |
Central Carolina Community College |
Central Lakes College |
Central Methodist University** |
Centura College-Chesapeake |
Century College |
Cerritos College |
Cerro Coso Community College |
Chabot College |
Chabot-Las Positas Community College District |
Chadron State University** |
Chaffey College |
Charter Oak State College |
Chattahoochee Valley Community College |
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania |
Chipola College |
Chowan University |
Christendom College |
Citrus College |
City College of San Francisco |
Claremont Graduate University |
Clark College |
Clark Summit University |
Clayton State University |
Clemson University** |
Clovis Community College |
Coastline Community College |
College for Financial Planning |
College of Alameda |
College of Central Florida |
College of Coastal Georgia |
College of Court Reporting |
College of Eastern Idaho |
College of Marin |
College of Saint Benedict |
College of San Mateo |
College of Sequoias |
College of Southern Idaho |
College of the Canyons |
College of the Desert |
College of the Redwoods |
College of the Siskiyous |
College of Western Idaho |
College of William & Mary, The** |
Colorado Christian University** |
Colorado Community College System* |
Colorado Department of Higher Education** |
Colorado Mesa University** |
Colorado Northwestern Community College |
Colorado School of Mines** |
Colorado State University Pueblo** |
Colorado Technical University ** |
Columbia Basin College |
Columbia College (CA) |
Columbia College (VA) |
Columbus State University** |
Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania |
Community College of Allegheny County |
Community College of Aurora |
Community College of Beaver County |
Community College of Denver |
Community College of Philadelphia |
Community Colleges of Spokane |
Concord University (WV) |
Concordia College (MN) |
Concordia University Irvine |
Concordia University of St. Paul |
Concordia University of Texas |
Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) System |
Contra Costa College |
Copper Mountain College |
Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas |
Cosumnes River College |
Crafton Hills College |
Crown College |
CT-RI SAN Consortium* |
Cuesta College |
Cuyahoga Community College** |
Cuyamaca College |
Cypress College |
Dakota College of Bottineau |
Dakota County Technical College |
Dakota State University |
Dallas Theological Seminary** |
Dalton State College |
Danville Community College |
Dawson Community College |
Daytona State College |
De Anza College |
Del Mar College** |
Delaware County Community College |
Delaware Department of Education** |
Diablo Valley College |
Dickinson State University |
Distance Education Accrediting Commission** (DEAC) (does not include the institutions) |
Divine Mercy University |
Drexel University |
Duke University |
Dunwoody College of Technology |
Duquesne University |
Eagle Gate College |
East Carolina University** |
East Georgia State College |
East Los Angeles College |
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania |
Eastern Florida College |
Eastern Kentucky University |
Eastern Mennonite University |
Eastern Michigan University |
Eastern Shore Community College |
Eastern University |
Eastern Virginia Career College |
Eastern Washington University** |
Eastern West Virginia Community & Technical College |
ECPI University |
Edgewood University |
El Camino |
El Camino College Compton Center |
Elizabeth City State University |
Elizabethtown College |
Elon University |
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University** |
Emory & Henry College |
Emory University** |
Ensign College |
Everett Community College |
Evergreen Valley College |
Excelsior College** |
Fairfield University |
Fairmont State University |
Fayetteville State University |
Feather River College |
Ferrum College |
Fielding Graduate University |
Flathead Valley Community College |
Florida A&M University |
Florida Atlantic University |
Florida Gateway College |
Florida Gulf Coast University |
Florida International University |
Florida Keys Community College |
Florida Polytechnic University |
Florida SouthWestern State College |
Florida State College at Jacksonville |
Florida State University |
Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC)* |
Folsom Lake |
Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College |
Foothill College |
Foothill-De Anza District |
Forsyth Technical Community College |
Fort Valley State University |
Franklin University** |
Fresno City College |
Front Range Community College |
Frontier Nursing University** |
Fullerton College |
GA- SARA SPE (Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission) |
Gallaudet University** |
Gannon University |
Gardner-Webb University |
Gavilan College |
Geneva College |
George Mason University** |
Georgetown University** |
Georgia College and State University |
Georgia Gwinnett College |
Georgia Highlands College |
Georgia Institute of Technology** |
Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (GA-SPE) |
Georgia Southern University** |
Georgia Southwestern State University |
Georgia State University |
Germanna Community College |
Glendale Community College |
Glenville State University |
Golden Gate University |
Golden West College |
Gordon State College |
Graduate Theological Union |
Grand Canyon University** |
Grays Harbor College |
Great Basin College (GBC) |
Great Falls College Montana State University |
Green River College |
Grossmont College |
Guilford College |
Guilford Technical Community College |
Gulf Coast State College |
Gustavus Adolphus College |
Gwynedd Mercy University |
Hamline University |
Hampton University |
Harrisburg Area Community College |
Hartford Seminary |
Hartnell College |
Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School |
Helena College University of Montana |
Hennepin Technical College |
Heritage University |
Herzing University** |
Hibbing Community College |
High Point University |
Higher Education Licensure Pros, LLC** |
Highline College |
Hillsborough Community College |
Hiram College** |
Hollins College |
Holy Family University |
Huntington University |
Idaho SAN Collaborative* |
Idaho State Board of Education |
Idaho State University |
Illinois Board of Higher Education** |
Imperial Valley College |
Indian River State College |
Indiana State Universities Consortium* |
Indiana State University |
Indiana University** |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania |
Institution of Taoist Education and Acupuncture |
Inver Hills Community College |
Irvine Valley College |
Itasca Community College |
Ivy College |
Ivy Tech Community College |
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College |
Jacksonville State University |
James Madison University |
James Sprunt Community College |
Jefferson College of Health Science |
John Paul the Great Catholic University |
Johnson & Wales University |
Johnston Community College |
Juniata College |
Keck Graduate Institute |
Kennesaw State University |
Kent State University** |
Kentucky Community and Technical College System |
Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education* |
Kentucky State University |
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania |
La Salle University |
La Sierra University |
Lackawanna College |
Lake Area Technical College |
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine |
Lake Region State College |
Lake Superior College |
Lake Tahoe Community College |
Lake-Sumter State College |
Lamar Community College |
Lamar University* |
Lancaster Bible College |
Laney College |
Las Positas College |
Lassen College |
Laurel Ridge Community College |
LDS Business College |
Lebanon Valley College |
Lees-McRae College |
Lehigh Carbon Community College |
Lenoir-Rhyne University |
Lewis-Clark State College |
Liberty University** |
Lincoln University** (PA) |
Livingstone College |
Loma Linda University |
Long Beach City College |
Longwood University |
Los Angeles City College |
Los Angeles Harbor College |
Los Angeles Mission |
Los Angeles Pacific University |
Los Angeles Pierce College |
Los Angeles Southwest College |
Los Angeles Trade Technical College |
Los Angeles Valley College |
Los Medanos College |
Lower Columbia College |
Loyola Marymount University |
Lurleen B. Wallace Community College |
Lutheran Brethren Seminary |
Lutheran Seminary |
Luzerne County Community College |
Lycoming College |
Macalester College |
Martin Luther College |
Mars Hill University |
Marshall University |
Martin Community College |
Mary Baldwin University |
Maryland Higher Education Commission** |
Marymount University |
Marywood University |
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science |
Mayville State University |
McDaniel College |
Mendocino College |
Merced Community College |
Mercy in Action College of Midwifery |
Mercyhurst University |
Meredith College |
Merritt College |
Mesabi Range College |
Messiah College |
Methodist University |
Metropolitan Community College** |
Metropolitan State University |
Metropolitan State University of Denver |
Miami Dade College |
Miami University** |
Michigan State University** |
Middle Georgia State University |
Midwestern Higher Education Compact** |
Midwestern State University* |
Midwestern University** |
Midwives College of Utah |
Miles Community College |
Millersville University of Pennsylvania |
Millikin University |
Minerva University |
Minneapolis Community & Technical College |
Minneapolis College of Art and Design |
Minnesota Learning Commons* |
Minnesota State College - Southeast Tech. |
Minnesota State Community & Technical Coll. |
Minnesota State University Mankato |
Minnesota State University Moorhead |
Minnesota West Community & Technical Coll. |
Minot State University |
Mira Costa College |
Misericordia University |
Mission College |
Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning** |
Mississippi State University** |
Missouri Department of Higher Education (DHEWD)** |
Missouri University of Science & Technology |
Mitchell Hamline School of Law |
Mitchell Technical College |
Modesto Junior College |
Montana State University, Billings |
Montana State University, Bozeman |
Montana State University, Northern |
Montana Technological University |
Montana University System** |
Monterey Peninsula College |
Montgomery County Community College (PA) |
Montreat College |
Moorpark College |
Moravian College |
Morehead State University |
Moreno Valley College |
Morgan Community College |
Mount Saint Mary's University - Los Angeles |
Mount St. Joseph's University |
Mount St. Mary's University |
Mountain Empire Community College |
Mountwest Community and Technical College |
Mt. San Antonio College |
Mt. San Jacinto College |
Murray State University |
N.C. Community College System, Virtual Learning Community* |
N.C. State Education Assistance Authority |
N.C. Wesleyan College |
Napa Valley College |
Nash Community College |
Neumann University |
Neumont College of Computer Science |
Nevada State College |
Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) |
New College of Florida |
New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE)** |
New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education** |
New Mexico State University* |
New River Community College |
New York State Education Department ** |
New York University** |
Nightingale College |
NMSA Almogordo Community College |
NMSU Carlsbad Community College |
NMSU Dona Ana Community College |
NMSU Grants Community College |
Norco College |
Norfolk State University |
Normandale Community College |
North Carolina A & T State |
North Carolina Central University |
North Carolina Community College System - Virtual Learning Community* |
North Central University |
North Dakota State College of Science |
North Dakota State University |
North Dakota University System* |
North Florida Community College |
North Hennepin Community College |
North Orange Continuing Education |
Northampton Community College |
Northeastern Junior College |
Northern Arizona University** |
Northern Idaho College |
Northern Illinois University** |
Northern Kentucky University |
Northern State University |
Northern Virginia Community College |
Northland Community & Technical College |
Northwest Florida State College |
Northwest Nazarene University |
Northwest Technical College |
Northwestern Health Sciences University |
Notre Dame De Namur University |
Notre Dame of Maryland University |
Nova Southeastern University |
Oak Hills University |
Oakland University** |
Ohio State University** |
Ohio University** |
Ohlone Community College |
Old Dominion University |
Olympic College |
Orange Coast College |
Oregon Institute of Technology** |
Oregon State University** |
Ortero College |
Oxnard College |
Pacific Union College |
Palm Beach State College |
Palo Alto University (CA) |
Palo Verde College |
Palomar College |
Pasadena City College |
Pasco-Hernando State College |
Patrick Henry College |
Patrick & Henry Community College - VA |
Paul D. Camp Community College |
Peirce College |
Peninsula College |
Penn Highlands Community College |
Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences |
Pennsylvania Community Colleges Consortium* |
Pennsylvania Department of Higher Education** |
Pennsylvania State University* |
Pennsylvania Western University |
Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education* |
Pensacola State College |
Pfeiffer University |
Philadelphia University |
Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas |
Pierce College |
Pierpont Community & Technical College |
Pikes Peak State College |
Pine Technical & Community College |
Pittsburgh Technical College |
Point Loma Nazarene University |
Point Park University |
Polk State College |
Porterville College |
Portland Community College** |
Prescott College** |
Provo College |
Pueblo Community College |
Purdue University |
Purdue University Global |
Queens University of Charlotte |
Radford University |
Rainy River Community College |
Randolph College |
Rasmussen University |
Reach University |
Reading Area Community College |
Red Rocks Community College |
Reedley College |
Regent University |
Regis University & OCICU* |
Relay Graduate School of Education** |
Richard Bland College |
Ridgewater College |
Rio Hondo College |
Rio Salado College** |
Riverland Community College |
Riverside City College |
Riverside College of Health Careers |
Roanoke College |
Robert Morris University |
Rochester Community & Technical College |
Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions |
Roseman University of Heath Sciences (Roseman) |
Sacramento City College |
Sacred Heart University |
Saddleback College |
Saint Augustine's University |
Saint Francis University |
Saint John's University |
Saint Joseph's University |
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota |
Saint Michael College of Allied Health |
Saint Paul College |
Saint Vincent College |
Salem College |
Salt Lake Community College |
Samford University |
Samuel Merritt University |
San Bernardino Valley College |
San Diego City College |
San Diego Continuing Education |
San Diego Mesa College |
San Diego Miramar College |
San Diego State University |
San Francisco State University |
San Joaquin Delta College |
San Jose City College |
San Jose State University |
Santa Ana College |
Santa Barbara City College |
Santa Fe College |
Santa Monica College |
Santa Rosa Junior College |
Santiago Canyon College |
Savannah State University |
Seattle Central College |
Seattle University |
Seminole State College of Florida |
Sentara College of Health Sciences |
Seton Hill University |
Shasta College |
Shaw University |
Shelton State Community College |
Shenandoah University |
Shepherd University |
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania |
Shoreline Community College |
Sierra College |
Sinclair College** |
Skagit Valley College |
Skyline College |
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania |
Snow College |
Solano Community College |
Sonoma State University |
South Central College |
South Dakota Board of Regents* |
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology |
South Dakota State University |
South Dakota Technical Colleges SAN group* |
South Florida State College |
South Georgia State College |
South Texas College** |
South University** |
Southeast Missouri State University** |
Southeastern Technical College |
Southern Illinois University Carbondale** |
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville** |
Southern New Hampshire University** |
Southern Regional Education Board (SREB)** |
Southern Utah University |
Southern West Virginia Community & Technical College |
Southside Virginia Community College |
Southwest Minnesota State University |
Southwest Virginia Community College |
Southwestern College |
Southwestern Law School** |
Spring Arbor University** |
St Mary of the Woods |
St. Andrews University |
St. Catherine University |
St. Cloud State University |
St. Cloud Technical & Community College |
St. Johns River State College |
St. Petersburg College |
St. Olaf College |
Standard Healthcare Services College of Nursing |
Stanly Community College |
State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota |
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV)* |
Stevens-Henager College |
Stillman College** |
SUNY-Online** |
Susquehanna University |
Syracuse University** |
Tacoma Community College |
Taft College |
Tallahassee Community College |
Taylor University |
Teachers College- Columbia University** |
Tennessee Higher Education Commission** |
Tennessee Wesleyan University |
Texas A&M Central Texas** |
Texas A&M College Station** |
Texas A&M Commerce** |
Texas A&M Corpus Christi** |
Texas Christian University** |
Texas Southmost College |
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center |
Texas Tech University System* |
Texas Tech University |
Texas Woman's University** |
The Chicago School** |
The College of St. Scholastica |
The Sage Colleges |
Tidewater Community College |
Trevecca Nazarene University** |
Trinidad State College |
Trinity Bible College |
Troy University** |
Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) |
United Theological of the Twin Cities |
Union Presbyterian Seminary |
University of Alabama at Birmingham** |
University of Alabama Huntsville |
University of Alabama Tuscaloosa** |
University of Alaska Anchorage** |
University of Alaska Fairbanks** |
University of Arkansas at Fort Smith |
University of Arkansas at Little Rock |
University of Arkansas at Monticello |
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff |
University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville |
University of Arkansas Community College at Hope |
University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton |
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville |
University of Arkansas, Grantham |
University of Arkansas, Pulaski Technical College |
University of Arkansas, Rich Mountain |
University of Arkansas System* |
University of California Office of the President* |
University of Central Florida |
University of Central Missouri** |
University of Central Oklahoma** |
University of Charleston** |
University of Cincinnati* |
University of Colorado - Boulder |
University of Colorado - Colorado Springs |
University of Colorado - Denver |
University of Colorado System* |
University of Connecticut |
University of Denver** |
University of Fairfax |
University of Florida |
University of Georgia |
University of Idaho |
University of Illinois Chicago |
University of Illinois Springfield |
University of Illinois System* |
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
University of Indianapolis |
University of Iowa** |
University of Jamestown |
University of Kentucky |
University of La Verne |
University of Louisiana at Lafayette** |
University of Louisville |
University of Lynchburg |
University of Maine |
University of Maine at Augusta |
University of Maine at Farmington |
University of Maine at Machias |
University of Maine at Presque Isle |
University of Maine ay Fort Kent |
University of Maine System* |
University of Management and Technology |
University of Mary |
University of Mary Washington |
University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC)** |
University of Massachusetts Amherst** |
University of Michigan Ann Arbor |
University of Michigan Consortium* |
University of Michigan Dearborn |
University of Michigan Flint |
University of Minnesota Crookston |
University of Minnesota Duluth |
University of Minnesota Morris |
University of Minnesota Rochester |
University of Minnesota Twin Cities |
University of Mississippi** |
University of Missouri - Kansas City |
University of Missouri/Mizzou Online |
University of Missouri - St. Louis |
University of Missouri System* |
University of Montana |
University of Montana, Western |
University of Nebraska at Kearney |
University of Nebraska at Lincoln |
University of Nebraska Medical Center |
University of Nebraska at Omaha |
University of Nebraska System* |
University of Nevada - Las Vegas |
University of Nevada - Reno |
University of New England** |
University of New Hampshire** |
University of New Haven |
University of New Mexico** |
University of North America |
University of North Carolina System* |
University of North Carolina - Asheville |
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill |
University of North Carolina - Charlotte** |
University of North Carolina - Greensboro |
University of North Carolina - Pembroke |
University of North Carolina - School for the Arts |
University of North Carolina - Wilmington |
University of North Dakota |
University of North Florida |
University of North Georgia |
University of Northern Colorado** |
University of Northwestern-St. Paul |
University of Phoenix** |
University of Rhode Island |
University of Richmond |
University of San Diego |
University of San Francisco |
University of Scranton |
University of South Alabama |
University of South Dakota |
University of South Florida |
University of Southern California |
University of Southern Indiana |
University of Southern Maine |
University of Southern Mississippi* |
University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences** |
University of St. Francis** |
University of St. Thomas |
University of Tennessee, Knoxville** |
University of Texas at Arlington* |
University of Texas at El Paso* |
University of the Pacific |
University of Toledo* |
University of Utah |
University of Virginia** |
University of Virginia's College at Wise |
University of Washington** |
University of West Alabama |
University of West Florida |
University of West Georgia |
University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee** |
University of Wyoming** |
University System of Georgia* |
Utah SARA Private Institutions* |
Utah State University |
Utah System of Higher Education* |
Utah Valley University |
Valdosta State University |
Valencia College |
Valley City State University |
Valley College |
Vanguard University of Southern California |
Ventura College |
Vermilion Community College |
Victor Valley College |
Victoria College |
Villanova University |
Vincennes University |
Virginia Commonwealth University** |
Virginia Community College System** |
Virginia Highlands Community College |
Virginia State University |
Virginia Tech |
Virginia Union University |
Virginia University of Lynchburg |
Virginia Wesleyan University |
Virginia Western Community College |
Wake Forest University |
Walla Walla Community College |
Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges* |
Washington University of Science & Technology |
Weber State University |
West Chester University of Pennsylvania |
West Hills College Coalinga |
West Hills College Lemoore |
West Liberty University |
West Los Angeles College |
West Valley College |
West Virginia State University |
West Virginia University of Parkersburg |
West Virginia University** |
West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission* |
Western Carolina University |
Western Dakota Technical College |
Western Governors University** |
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)** |
Western Kentucky University |
Western University of Health Sciences |
Westminster College - Pennsylvania |
Westminster College - Utah |
Westmoreland County Community College |
Wheeling University |
Widener University |
Wilkes University |
William Carey University* |
William Jessup University |
William Peace University |
Williston State College |
Wilson College (PA) |
Wingate University |
Winona State University |
Winston Salem State University |
Wisconsin Distance Learning Authorization Board** |
Woodbury University |
Woodland Community College |
WV Community and Technical College System |
WV Network (WVNET) |
WV Northern Community College |
WV Remote Online Collaborative Knowledge System (WVROCKS) |
WV School of Osteopathic Medicine |
Wytheville Community College |
Yuba College |
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