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SAN Advisory Group - Procedures

About the State Authorization Network (SAN)

The State Authorization Network (SAN) is the leader for guidance and support for navigating state and federal regulatory compliance for out-of-state activities of postsecondary institutions. SAN provides expert analysis, resources, and training to help its members prepare for emerging issues, collaborate on compliance strategies, develop solutions, and evaluate their efficacy.

Its members are digital learning and compliance professionals representing 800+ institutions and organizations nationally and across all sectors.


SAN’s association with WCET & WICHE

WCET is a national, member-driven, non-profit which brings together colleges, universities, higher education organizations, and companies to collectively improve the quality and reach of technology-enhanced learning programs. WCET is a program unit within the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), a public interstate agency who promotes innovation, cooperation, resource sharing, and sound public policy within its 16 Western States, U.S. Pacific territories and freely associated states. WCET and its networks enhance the development of educational technologies and distance learning at postsecondary institutions in the Western States and nationally.


Purpose of the SAN Advisory Group

The SAN Advisory Group is a team of contributors who represent the SAN membership at-large and advise SAN Staff on key issues, research, and activities to best serve its community and the membership’s work as compliance professionals.

SAN Staff source recommendations and guidance from this group on its annual Statement of Work, topics for the annual meeting, community engagement efforts, Special Interest Team topics, or other timely and emerging issues.

SAN is a division of WCET and operates as such under its bylaws, in association with WICHE. As such, the Advisory Group is not a voting or governing body, however, is a critical entity who supports and advocates for the timely needs of its membership body.



The SAN Advisory Group is composed of a minimum of eight representatives elected by popular vote of SAN’s membership. SAN Staff may choose to include additional Subject Matter Experts (see Subject Matter Expert(s)) on an as-needed and limited basis.

SAN Staff will periodically review the composition of the Advisory Group with its current contributors to ensure that representation continues to reflect the membership.

Advisory Group Member - Elected by popular vote

Eight contributors to the SAN Advisory Group represent the following categories:

  • Public 4-year with an FTE greater than 10,000
  • Public 4-year with an FTE less than 9,999
  • Two contributors from a 2-year institution
  • Independent institution with an FTE greater than 2,500: This may encompass not-for-profit, for-profit, and faith-based institutions.
  • Independent institution with an FTE less than 2,499: This may encompass not-for-profit, for-profit, and faith-based institutions.
  • Two contributors falling into either or both of the following:
    • Association or System affiliated
      • These are representatives who participate in SAN on behalf of a post-secondary system office or organization. This may include state education agency offices, organizations, or members who participate in group memberships through coordinated associations. Examples may include Virtual Campus or Commons, independent college association, state regulator, SARA SPE (State Portal Entity), regional education entities, etc.
    • Coordinator of a SAN Group Membership

Subject Matter Expert(s)

SAN Staff may choose to appoint up to two Subject Matter Experts to advise on timely issues relevant to SAN’s body of work. Their expertise may address current regulatory events and/or objectives shared in SAN’s Annual Statement of Work. Their engagement is on an as-needed and limited basis to enhance, and not duplicate the role and representation of the Advisory Group contributors.



  • Any staff member from a SAN member institution or entity may nominate themselves. They do not need to be a SAN Coordinator to be eligible to serve.
  • New SAN participants are welcome.
  • Members must self-nominate as opposed to nominating a colleague to be a candidate.
  • Elected Advisory Group contributors must be in good standing with annual dues to participate as a SAN member institution.
  • Current Advisory Group contributors may seek re-election, however, may not serve more than two complete consecutive terms. Advisory Group contributors who have reached their term limit, may not seek election for at least three years.



Contributors to the Advisory Group elected by popular vote serve either a two-year or three-year term. The length of term will be reviewed at the first Advisory Group meeting of each SAN year. Those running in 2022 will serve two-year terms.

Subject Matter Expert(s) will contribute on a limited and short term basis as per SAN staff direction. They will not have a formal term.

Seeking re-election

Advisory Group contributors may seek re-election, however, may not serve more than two consecutive terms. This cap ensures a rotation and cultivation of new voices and leaders in the network. Advisory Group contributors who have met this term limit may not seek re-election for a period of three years.

Changing institutions

In the event an Advisory Group contributor transitions to a new institution, and wishes to remain in the group, the new institution must be a SAN member and in good standing.

Midterm appointments

Should an Advisory Group contributor need to conclude their term before completion, SAN Staff will use their discretion to manage the transition.

Should this coincide with the “SAN year,” SAN Staff will include this vacancy in the self-nomination and election process. Should it not align with this process, SAN Staff may opt to leave the vacancy open, return to the previous election results to select a candidate, or use their best judgment to appoint a member.

Those serving a midterm appointment may choose to run for election, and are eligible to serve a maximum of two complete terms.

Regardless of any and all circumstances described above, all contributors must be in good standing with annual dues to participate in organization activities.


Commitment of the Advisory Group contributors

The Advisory Group meets virtually on a quarterly basis. SAN Staff will coordinate the meeting date, connection information and agenda to distribute to the meeting participants.

Additionally, SAN Staff will seek to coordinate one in-person meeting in conjunction with a SAN or WCET event. Typically, this engagement will coincide with the NASASPS Annual Conference, an annual collaboration with SAN. Any meals or refreshments during this meeting will be provided by SAN; however, registration fees associated with the event, travel and accommodations are at the expense of the Advisory Group contributor.


Election Process

Contributors to the Advisory Group self-nominate and are elected by popular vote of the membership. Interested parties must self-nominate to be considered.

The “SAN year” operates in alignment with the traditional academic calendar year. The election timeframe and process are as follows:

July - Announcement & self-nomination

SAN Staff will share a call to membership noting the number and type of vacancies on the Advisory Group. The election communication will include an overview of the role, selection process, and procedural details to self-nominate. Interested parties must designate a category (see COMPOSITION) when self-nominating. SAN Coordinators will be asked to emphasize to their respective network that all staff members at SAN member institutions may nominate themselves.

This self-nomination process is facilitated through an electronic form. Candidates respond concisely to three prompts:

  1. Describe your role
  2. What is one way the SAN Advisory Group could enhance collaboration within the SAN membership?
  3. What are the priorities you see for the future of SAN and the topics it explores?

SAN Staff collate self-nomination submissions into an alphabetical “Candidate List” to share as a PDF during the vote.

Early August – Voting

SAN Staff issue a communication via wcetMIX to share the “Candidate List” and launch voting. This process is facilitated through an electronic platform, such as google forms.

  • All SAN members are encouraged to review the nomination submissions below prior to voting. Please find them attached to this message and embedded in the voting link. 
  • Please note that voting is intended for wcetMIX participants in the State Authorization Network Community. We ask that the community members receiving the notification vote only once for each vacancy.
  • The vote will remain open for one week.

Mid-August - Concluding the vote

SAN Staff reserve the right to investigate or call for a new election procedure should they suspect any tampering with the results.

SAN Staff will contact newly elected Advisory Group contributors. In the event there are no candidates who choose to run in a specific category, SAN Staff will use their discretion to either invite another candidate, from a different category, selected by popular vote, choose to leave the seat vacant until the next election, or if deemed appropriate by SAN Staff solicit a member to fill the vacancy.

SAN Staff may seek a subject area contributor(s) at this time (see Composition).

Candidates not selected will be contacted and encouraged to engage with SAN membership and staff in other ways. Following confirmation of those communications, SAN Staff will send an announcement to the membership via wcetMIX.

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