Article (WCET Frontiers)
Federal Regulations
Compliance Requirements (NonSARA)

State Approval Regulations: Update on Conversations and Activities

December 21, 2010

Okay, I have to confess that I created the title for the December 7 webcast “Clarifying New Federal Regulations on State Approval for Distance Education.”   I really appreciated the willingness of Fred Sellers from the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) in interpreting the new “State Approval” regulations for us.  While we learned much, the number of calls I’ve had on this issue since the event tells me that perfect “clarity” was not achieved. Okay, so I reached high with that title.

As a result of these conversations, I’ve created a web page that includes a link to the webcast archive and basic information about this issue.  I will continue to update the page, as I learn more. […]

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