Article (WCET Frontiers)
Federal Regulations
Compliance Requirements (NonSARA)

State Approval: Rumors and Implications

April 8, 2011


There are rumors, hints, innuendos, and whispers floating around about the federal ‘state authorization’ regulation…

A leader of a national organization (who had been in contact with the Department of Education on this issue) said that he thought there would be some changes in the regulation coming in the next month.

At last week’s Presidents’ Forum meeting, Eduardo Ochoa, Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education, and David Bergeron, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education, seemed fairly intractable on this issue.  Since then, I’ve heard that there have been feelers put out for more information.

A few people have forwarded emails to me with rumors that something is in the works. Everything is touted from it will just go away to there could be a substantial delay in enforcement.  One person even seemed to indicate that we don’t need to worry about this regulation any more. Woohoo! […]

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