Article (WCET Frontiers)
Compliance Requirements (NonSARA)

State Regulators Work to Clarify Regulations for Distance Education Providers

June 9, 2011

Several months have passed since I last scoured the state regulatory agency websites for information about which institutions must seek approval to operate to be in compliance with state and federal regulations.  We undertook the research with our partners, The Southern Regional Education Board, University of Wyoming, and American Distance Education Consortium in December to compile the  State Approval Regulations for Distance Education: A ‘Starter’ Listdocument.  The initial document was published in January with several revisions following as regulators submitted changes.  The final revised document was published on April 22.  We then handed the reins over to NCHEMS and SHEEO who are in the process of creating an authoritative contact list and survey to state regulators (read more about these efforts).

Since April 22, many states have updated their website with resources that clarify their regulations and address distance education providers.  A few have even changed their laws.

So what’s new with state regulator agencies? Here is what I have found. […]

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